Our History
Peel Senior Link was established in 1991 as a local initiative of the Ministry of Health, Halton-Peel Long-Term Care Area Office. Since that time, the agency has grown tremendously, now offering services to buildings and their surrounding neighbourhoods that house over 1,200 seniors in the Region of Peel (Brampton & Mississauga).
- Peel Senior Link supportive housing service established
- Established a community presence in Malton with the operation of a Seniors’ Day Program
- Provided services and service co-ordination in a rent geared to income seniors’ building in Malton as a pilot project with Peel Regional Housing Authority
- Established similar programs in four more apartment buildings managed by Peel Regional Housing Authority, through additional funding made available by the Long-Term Care Area Office
- Using the day service co-ordination model, Peel Senior Link gradually grows to serve a total of 14 buildings
- Peel Senior Link receives funding from the Long-Term Care Area Office to expand programs to include the provision of on-site services, 12 hours per day, 7 days per week for:
- 12 clients at 35 Stavebank Road, in Port Credit
- 10 clients at Turtle Creek Housing Complex, 1510 Lakeshore Blvd, in Clarkson
- 12 clients at 66 King Street
- Peel Senior Link commissions the Centre for Research & Education in Human Services to facilitate a program evaluation to ensure that goals and objectives are being met, and to strengthen the agency
- Peel Senior Link enters into a contract arrangement with the Victorian Order of Nurses to provide Health Care Aides and home helpers to provide personal care and homemaking to Peel Senior Link clients
- Day service begins at Manorbridge and Hillside Place
- The agency receives funding and initiated a 12+12 program at Hillside Place for 12 clients
- King Street and Turtle Creek Supportive Housing service increases from 12 to 16 hours
- Hillside Place increases from 12 to 24 hour service
- South Common and Manorbridge sites are introduced as 24-hour supportive housing sites, and the Stavebank site increased from 12 to 24 hours
- Peel Senior Link commissions the Centre for Research & Education in Human Services to facilitate a program evaluation of 16 & 24 hour care
- McMurchy launched as a pilot and first private, family building with 24-hour supportive housing service
- Peel Senior Link celebrates its 10 year anniversary
- Day service begins at Fletcher’s View in Brampton which brought the total number of day service sites to five
- Peel Senior Link enters into a partnership with Hooper’s Pharmacy to provide a Blister Pack medication dispensing service for clients
- The contract with the Victorian Order of Nurses concludes and Peel Senior Link hires its own Personal Support Workers and Home Helpers to provide personal care and homemaking to clients
- Peel Senior Link contracts the services of Spectrum Health Care to provide 24-hour clinical advice and support, delegated act training and in-service education for agency staff.
- King Street supportive housing service increases from 16 to 24 hours
- Turtle Creek supportive housing service increases from 16 to 24 hours
- 24-hour supportive housing service at McMurchy closes and moves to Knightsbridge Road, Brampton.
- Queen Frederica day service program closes with these resources being reallocated to enhance the central intake function
- Initiated and served as Chair of the Metamorphosis network of Community Support providers serving Mississauga Halton and Central West LHINs
- Initiated Day Service at Summerville Pines
- Established a partnership with Pioneering Technology and Peel Living, with funding from the Brampton Community Foundation to undertake the Safe-T-Element Program which since resulted in the Region of Peel’s decision to install the safe-t-element to all new stove’s in rental units
- Facilitated the Community Support Services Business Requirements for Information Systems provincial project
- Initiated and lead the ASSIST project for the MH LHIN
- CEO co-led the development of the Geriatric Services Task Force report which was integrated into the MH LHINs first Integrated Health Service Plan as the Enhanced Seniors Health, Wellness & Quality of Life integration priority
- Facilitated provincial support for MIS compliance with the CSS sector in Ontario over a 3 year period. CEO serves as co-chair of the provincial Steering Committee
- Initiated the One Mail connectivity project for all CSS/MH&A providers in the MH LHIN
- Served as one of 3 supportive housing agencies in the development of the Supports for Daily Living model in collaboration with the MH LHIN
- Established partnership with Family Services of Peel to provide seniors improved access to one-on-one counselling services within their home environment
- Facilitated access for all CSS providers in Ontario to Microsoft Dynamics GP and Quadrant HRIS web based software solutions
- CEO seconded to the MH LHIN for a 9 month half-time placement serving as the Aging at Home, Special Project Manager
- Aging at Home expansion for Mississauga sites re hub & spoke SDL service model
- Approval acquired with Peel Living to expand service capacity at all sites up to 30 clients
- SDL co-ordinator through PSL deployed to MH-LHIN hospitals to reduce ALC and connect healthcare and CSS sectors during the transition process into services
- Established partnerships with Philips Lifeline and Copper County Foods
- CEO receives Award for Distinguished Service from the Canadian Healthcare Association
- Aging at Home expansion support for new service site at Summerville Pines
- Day service program expansion to Millbrook Place
- CW LHIN approval for Active Living program launch at Brampton sites in collaboration with the Bramalea Community Health Centre
- Introduced the Home Support Exercise Program for PSL clients as an active member of the MH LHIN regional Falls Prevention program
- Doubled the front line worker staff complement over a 16 month period through the Aging at Home service expansion
- Established a partnership with Supportive Housing in Peel and the Punjabi Community Health Services to launch a new program titled, ‘Integrated Team for High Risk Seniors’
- Agency achieves Top 50 Best Small & Medium Employers in Canada winner status by Queen’s School of Business at Queen’s University in conjunction with Hewitt Associates (2010)
- Accreditation Canada surveyor final review in progress
- Day service program expansion to Wisma Mega Indah
- Agency achieves Top 50 Best Small & Medium Employers in Canada winner status by Queen’s School of Business at Queen’s University in conjunction with Hewitt Associates (2011)
- 3M Health Innovation Award
- MH expansion of 22 clients (not assigned to specific sites)
- CW expansion of 15 clients at Knightsbridge and Manorbridge fundamentally due to the Joint Venture Initiative
- Agency achieves Top 50 Best Small & Medium Employers in Canada winner status by Queen’s School of Business at Queen’s University in conjunction with Hewitt Associates (2012)
- Accredited – Exemplary Standing
- Minister’s Medal Award – Honouring Excellence in Health Quality and Safety
- Partnered with Trillium Health Partners for a new Health Series on Rogers TV – Talk Trillium: Partnering for Patients
- High Quality Person-Centered Care Award – Partnering for a Healthier Tomorrow received from the MH LHIN
- Heroes in the Home – Caregiver Recognition Award received from CW CCAC
- Partnered with Visual Arts Mississauga to offer ArtReach for Older Adults. The ArtReach program provides art workshops under the guidance of qualified instructors at Peel Senior Link locations.
- Creditvale Mills
- Expansion of 30 clients in the MH region at Queen Frederica
- Accredited – Exemplary Standing
- Added 3 additional spaces in MH (not assigned to specific sites)