Seniors' Safety Line
Senior’s Safety Line
Available 24 hours, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
Confidential and anonymous resource for information, support and referrals for seniors experiencing any kind of abuse or neglect. Service available in 200 languages for seniors, caregivers or neighbours.
Toll-free: 1-866-299-1011

Safety and Security - Ministry of Ontario
Get tips to protect yourself against fraud, identity theft and scams. Find information and resources to keep you safe.
Guide to Program and Services for Seniors

Home Safey
Senior citizens are often the targets of crime due to their vulnerabilities. It is important to learn how to protect yourself or a loved one from harm.

Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario
Elder abuse is not just physical abuse. Other forms of abuse include psychological, financial, sexual and neglect. Approximately 8% – 10% of seniors experience some form of elder abuse each year in Canada.
Our mission is to create an Ontario that is free from abuse for all seniors. We provide support to seniors affected by abuse, foster public awareness, deliver training, and community building. For more information, click here.