Become a Board Member

Peel Senior Link (PSL) is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors and bound by accountability agreements with the Mississauga-Halton and Central West Local Health Integration Networks (LHINs). Recruitment of new Board members is an ongoing process led by the Peel Senior Link Board to help identify and recommend potential candidates.   The Board provides oversight and support for this Health Service Provider as it works to achieve an important mission to “Help older adults maintain their independence, stability and dignity, right in the security of their own home or apartment, through quality and valued services”.

Peel Senior Link has been accredited with Exemplary Standing by Accreditation Canada as a Health Service Provider offering high quality community-based programs and services to seniors living in Mississauga, Brampton and surrounding areas.

The organization is funded by the Ministry of Health & Long-Term Care with funding from the Mississauga Halton and Central West Local Health Integration Networks and other local/regional funders/corporate and individual donors.

Qualifications and Board Positions

Peel Senior Link Directors support the governance  affairs of the Corporation and enable the Corporation to achieve its purpose within the framework of relevant legislation and standards.  Major duties of the Board include governing the Corporation through Board policies, strategic and planning objectives and performance metrics approved by the Board, CEO recruitment and performance evaluation, and in providing oversight for  planning, management and delivery of the Corporation’s services and operations. Directors must participate in one of three Board Committees that focus on:  Finance, Audit and Risk Management; Governance; and Quality and Community Engagement.

Peel Senior Link is seeking energetic, committed and collaborative individuals who reflect the community we live and/or work in. We need your experience in any of the following priority areas:

  • health care
  • legal
  • finance

Commitment and Term

Serving on Peel Senior Link’s Board is a part-time appointment, involving a significant commitment and attendance at Board related meetings, Board education sessions, community and stakeholder engagements and/or events during and outside normal business hours.  Directors will be elected for an initial term of one, two, or three years, and can be renewed for an additional term.

Interested individuals are encouraged to refer to the Director Nominations Package.

Please send the Director Application Form with a covering letter to [email protected] or:

Peel Senior Link Board Governance Committee

50 Burnhamthorpe Road West, Suite 300
Mississauga, ON    L5B 3C2
Phone: 905-712-4413; Fax: 905-712-3373

Short listed candidates may be invited for an interview with the Governance Committee