Everyone Loves a Parade!

Mississauga (August 19, 2020)

On Saturday, September 19th, Peel Senior Link will be hosting a super-fun, family-friendly fundraising walk called The Grand Parade! This event is a key annual fundraising event for us, and will support our expanding work with seniors throughout our community.

Employees, friends, and families of Peel Senior Link successfully raised net proceeds in the amount of $11,942.77 in 2019 and were purposed for local programs and services operated by PSL.  Input was sought directly from our front-line healthcare workers as to how the funds raised by the walk this year would be best utilized. Priority categories were selected for supplemental programs which cannot be purchased with government (LHIN) funding and are listed below:

  • Miscellaneous services, i.e. Handyman
  • Christmas gift baskets
  • Aides such as walkers, canes, bath handles etc.
  • Food vouchers
  • Clothing
  • Technology to reduce loneliness and isolation
  • Gift cards

Our goal is to raise $15,000 consisting of $10,000 from individual donors and $5,000 in corporate giving.  This year will be quite different from 2019’s inaugural Grand Parade wherein all participants and volunteers walked 5 km together on June 1, 2019.  We will not be gathering for an all-day event but will be walking individually or with the fundraising teams as led by Team Captains to respect social distancing measures on September 19, 2020.

So let’s roll up our sleeves together and get our fundraising caps on!

Click here to find out more and to get involved!

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