It’s time to invest in not-for-profit organizations that deliver health care in our homes and communities

Toronto, March 14, 2018 – Last week, the Ontario Community Support Association staff and seven member organizations met with cabinet ministers, MPPs, and political staff at Queen’s Park.  We used these meetings as an opportunity to highlight our election advocacy platform: Better at Home: 3 Ways to Improve Home and Community Care in Ontario – Recommendations to meet the changing needs of clients. The report can be found on their website here.

OCSA senior staff and the members had the opportunity to meet with the new Minister of Health Helena Jaczek, Minister of Seniors Affairs Dipika Damerla, the two opposition party’s health critics and three other MPPs, the Directors of Policy for the Ministries of Health and Long-Term Care, Finance, and Labour, the Minister of Housing’s Chief of Staff, and the Health Policy Advisor to the Leader of the Official Opposition.  As part of their advocacy, they also had the chance to meet with Deputy Minister Bob Bell on February 8th.

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