May 19th, 2018 marks the day in honour of the province’s Personal Support Workers (PSW). The day recognizes the essential service PSWs provide in sustaining our health care system and providing a high quality of community and home-based care.
Peel Senior Link will be celebrating across each of our sites in Mississauga and Brampton on various days in May by hosting a drop in open house for all of our valued PSW’s and Home Helpers. We will providing light refreshment and a small gift as a token of our appreciation for the great work they do in the community.
Please join us in thanking our Peel Senior Link PSWs and Home Helpers on May 19th!
CEO’s Message
Dear Personal Support Workers and Home Helpers,
On May 19th, 2018, we celebrate National PSW Day. This day recognizes the truly remarkable work that you do on a daily basis to ensure that our frail and vulnerable seniors continue to live safely and independently at home.
As an organization, we continue to strive to be the very best in the Community Support Sector and one major reason for our success to date has been the dedication of our front-line staff. We often hear from our clients that you are their true “angels”.
As our senior population continues to grow in record numbers, there will be a corresponding increase in demand for PSW care and Home Helper services, especially in the community. We appreciate the work that you do and we hope you take a moment to recognize your colleagues as well.
Happy PSW Day!